United in Harmony, Camp Harmony is working hard on transitioning our programming to help the neediest of our population.
- Summer Camp in August went virtual! The virtual programming allowed our campers to still feel connection to the heart of Harmony
- Our Leadership Counselors, over 68 high school students have committed to volunteering throughout the year to stay connected to our campers. We are currently setting up one on one tutoring sessions, virtual programming and someday soon in person small events
- Camp Harmony Holiday Party 2020 will be held this year as a Drive Thru Holiday Event. We are inviting over 200 children from over 10 different agencies to drive through Santa’s Workshop and receive new toys, clothes and other holiday goodies
spring camp 2021
After a year of social distancing and virtual everything, Camp Harmony was determined to create a safe and fun camp experience for our campers. We held our first ever Spring Camp Event in April. While following CDC guidelines and keeping to a strict COVID protocol and policy, we were able to invite over 100 campers and 60 counselors to two days of in person programming. These deserving campers had a chance to play sports, do arts and crafts, dance and have much needed social and emotional interactions.